It is just obvious that we do commit lot of mistakes in our day to day life. We react to many situations, we ignore many things, we disobey, over expect… and many a times our expectations lands us in failure.
As Apostle Paul said: "I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate". Our situations are also the same. We, born- again Christians, who always boast about the Salvation we received as a gift, usually forget the very call we had. We tend to 'spiritualize' our Church and our fellow Christians and do nothing to live a Holy Life.
The world looks at us and defines what we are . We say that we need to become 'one among them' to save them. But the fact is: the world will consider you just as 'one among them'. The danger I sense in such a Christian Attitude of 'mingling with Unbelievers' is "once we get involved with them, we may end up in doing what we do not want to do and think in ways we should not have thought".
2 Corinthians: 6:14 states that We believers better not get involved with unbelievers. But, the present christian trend goes hand-in-hand with the worldly passion. We have Christian Performers in our Worships and promote practices in our churches which we say are beneficial in maintaining fellowship within Church, but not Spiritually helping the members. These are the few potential threats that Church faces. Our true intentions should be weighed according to a Spiritual scale always.
This is Satan's attack on the Church and our Prophets and Hero's are busy casting out the evil in public meetings and camps. It is high time we realized the compromised state of present day church. We tend to do Right but we have ended up leading a blind-compromised Christian life...:(
Its not about being an orthodox christian, but, its all about leading a "true and holy life" which is pleasing and acceptable to God and not to the world around.
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